First day Images from Cartosat -2 Series Satellite

Cartosat-2 is an advanced remote sensing satellite with a single panchromatic camera (PAN) capable ofproviding scene-specific spot imageries for cartographic applications. The camera is designed to provide imageries with better than one meter spatial resolution and a swath of 10 km. The satellite will have high agility with capability to steer along and across the track up to + 45 degrees. It will be placed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of 630 km. It will have a revisit period of four days. The re-visit can be improved to one day with suitable orbit manoeuvres.
Several new technologies like two mirror on axis single camera, Carbon Fabric Reinforced Plastic based electro optic structure, lightweight, large size mirrors, JPEG like data compression, advanced solid state recorder, high-torque reaction wheels and high performance star sensors are being employed in Cartosat-2.
Cartosat-2 suffered from some problems after launch. An improved Cartosat 2A was launched in 2008. Cartosat 2Bfollowed in 2010.
                               Beginning with Cartosat 2C, a Multi-spectral camera was added and a lower 505 km orbit for better ground reslution was introduced.

Cartosat 2C was launched in June 2016. Cartosat 2D will follow in February 2017 and Cartosat 2E is planned for late 2017


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